Tag Archives: street trees

National Tree Day success in Umina

Umina Community Group spent July 31 planting street trees as part of National Tree Day at Umina Beach. This event was strongly supported by Umina Community Group and Central Coast Council nursery. A lot of good for the local community was achieved and lots of fun was was had planting new trees on our streets.

Jasper, Rosie and Jasmine helping out on National Tree Day Tree Planting - Umina Beach - 1 Tree Planting Umina Beach - 2

The community see trees fast disappearing from our local landscape as multiple developments occur where there were once single houses and established gardens. As trees disappear, birds are losing their habitat and food source. Along with high density living comes a predominance of hard surfaces (concrete, brick and asphalt) increasing temperatures. There has never been a greater need for trees that provide relief from high temperatures, offer shade and the enjoyment of daily contact with nature.

Street trees are available free of charge from Central Coast Council for all local residents.

Tree Planting - Umina Beach - 3 Local Umina residents and Umina Community Group members.

Umina Beach Street Trees

Umina Community Group and South Street Umina Bushcare Group is extremely pleased to receive support from the Gosford City Council Protection of the Environment Trust Project.

Phil Cantillon, Manager Culture stated “Your application has been considered and I am pleased to inform you that Council would like to support this project by donating trees of local provenance and native trees from Councils nursery.

We are now looking for community households to adopt a tree to bring about an improvement local environment.

The intent of this project is to enhance the streetscape by planting street trees along roads to build an enhanced corridor for animals and birds to move from the dunes, which run along the beach, into the suburb of Umina. The project also has many other benefits for the people, flora and fauna of Umina.

It is envisaged that a handful of streets can be improved from being bare harsh environments to appealing green, tree-lined areas offering shade along with the sounds of wildlife. The plan is to use a mix of native trees to allow the suburb to continue to have an informal look and support different needs.