Group meets 4th Wednesday of the month
End of South Street at the beach access way.
South Street Umina Bushcare is part of the national Bushcare movement which started in the suburbs of Sydney in the 1980s.
This environmental volunteer work (sometimes called Urban Landcare) occurs mostly on public land: in bushland, wetlands and around waterways managed
by local councils or NSW government agencies. Environmental volunteering programs such as Bushcare have steadily grown since their inception and are now an accepted and successful partnership between many government land management organisations and community members.
South Street Umina Bushcare is supervised by, and maintains a strong and positive relationship with Central Coast Council Bushcare. The South Street group was established in July 2014 and has had a significant impact in just a short time to see the rejuvenation of an initial section of the sand dunes at Umina Beach. This work has also caught the eye of the community that use the beach and is inspiring our community to take a more active role in how they can support and enhance the local environment and its biodiversity.
The initial work on the beach has been to enhance the area at the entrance to the beach which was overrun with weeds.
If you would like to become involved, or would like to send us a message, please contact us here.